King Arthur's Britain



For those who have enjoyed King Arthur's legend, we have some funtastic travel tips. Would you like to go on  King's Arthur's Tour. Then join us!


Let's go on a special tour - King Arthur't tour today!


Someone said Camelot is "located nowhere in particular (it) can be anywhere! Click on the pictures to find more about these fantastic places.




“Glastonbury claims to be Avalon, to be the final resting place of King Arthur, and the site to which the Holy Grail was borne to by Joseph of Arimethean.”

Glastonbury Tor claims to be Arthur’s burial place. It is said to be the ancient Isle of Avalon, the isle of enchantment according to Celtic folklore. The hill is believed to have a secret magical passage to the underworld, where King Arthur is sleeping, but will awake in England's hour of need and come to her rescue.



Tintagel is a busy village in the holiday season with plenty to see and do. If you arrive at Tintagel from the Trebarwith / Camelford direction the first Arthurian sight that you see has you enter is the Hall of Chivalry. Then you can visit King Arthur’s Castle. Along the main street of Tintagel you will find the old post office located opposite the King Arthur's Arms. At the lower end of the village you will find a steep track that passes down through the vale of Avalon to the legendary site that is known as  King Arthur's Castle and at the castles very roots Merlin's Cave awaits you.



 Slaughterbridge - Cornwall

Slaughterbridge  is located a few miles from Tintagel. It is another place associated with the Arthurian legend that you must visit.



 Marlborough, Wiltshire

Local legend claims that Merlin, King Arthur's personal magician and advisor, is buried here underneath Merlin's Mount.



 Fowey, Cornwall

Another well- knownArthurian site is The Tristan Stone, just northwest of the town of Fowey. Tristan (also Tristram) was a noble Knight of the Round Table and lover of Isolde (also Yseult, Iseult) who was the wife of King Mark of Cornwall.




Stonehenge is the most famous prehistoric monument in the world. The structure remains one of the great unsolved mysteries of the world. Some of the stones weigh over 50 tonnes and transported from the Preseli Mountains in Wales. Although the reasons behind Stonehenge remain shrouded in mystery, some believe it to be Merlin's work  who, under a king's orders designed the memorial to those killed by the Saxons. Come and marvel at this remarkable feat of ancient engineering.


There are many other places in Britain associated to the Arthurian legends. Visit and embark in King Arthur's Tour!