Riddles and jokes


Do you know any jokes in English? Do you want to have  a good laugh? Just read these really funny jokes and have fun!


Meowing frog

Question: Why did the frog say "meow"?

Answer: He was learning a foreign language!



Elephants in cherry trees

Question: Why do elephants paint their toenails red?

Answer: So they can hide in cherry trees!



Elephant at the North Pole

Question: What do you call an elephant at the North Pole?

Answer: Lost!



Gorilla with bananas in his ears

Question: What do you call a gorilla with a banana in each ear?

Answer: Anything you like... he can't hear you!



Skeleton party

Question: Why didn't the skeleton go to the party?

Answer: He had no body to go with!



Witches and pointy hats

Question: Why do witches wear pointy black hats?

Answer: To keep their pointy heads warm!



Red in a corner

Question: What's red and sits in a corner?

Anwer: A very naught strawberry!



Jumping cow

Question:What do you get if a cow jumps up and down?

Answer: A milkshake!



Child in a plane

Question: Why did the child study in the aeroplane?

Answer: He wanted a higher education?



Invisible ink

Question: Have you got any invisible ink?

Answer: Certainly, sir. What colour would like?



Wizard from outer space

Question: What do you call a wizard from outer space?

Answer: A flying sorcerer!



A snake's favourite lesson

Question: What is a snake's favourite subject at school?

Answer: Hissssstory!



Elephant and car

Question:What time is it when an elephant sits on your car?

Answer: Time to get a new car!



A porcupine's coat

Question: What did the porcupine say when he put his coat on inside out?
